IMPORTANT: If you created a group course, from the starting day of the course new students can’t join the running course, they can only express their interest. In these cases, the Join button switches to "I’m Interested", when clicked both the student and the teacher receive and e-mail confirmation of the interest.
If a student buys your course, you are going to get an e-mail notification.
It is advised for the teacher to provide the curriculum of the class, so that the students will know what exactly is expected and what they can expect. In case of the courses, the material should also contain a syllabus, so that the students can follow what each class will be about. In case they can’t attend a given class, it will be easier for them to make up for the missed lesson. The exact drafting of the curriculum is also important, when the course contains working with longer materials. Make sure to notice the students in advance, so that they have enough time to read the book!
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